Poverty Profile of South Sulawesi, September 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Poverty Profile of South Sulawesi, September 2019

Release Date : January 15, 2020
File Size : 0.64 MB


o The number of poor people in South Sulawesi in September 2019 was 759.58 thousand people, a decrease of 20.06 thousand people when compared to the conditions in September 2018.


o The percentage of poor people also decreased from 8.87 percent in September 2018 to 8.56 percent in September 2019. The percentage of poor people experienced a decline in both urban and rural areas during the period September 2018 - September 2019.



o In September 2019, the contribution of the Food Poverty Line to the Poverty Line was 75.19 percent, while in September 2018 it was 74.95 percent.


o Food commodities that have a great influence on the value of the Poverty Line are rice, filter clove cigarettes, chicken eggs, milkfish, soggy cakes, granulated sugar, and bread. For non-food commodities, the biggest contribution to the Poverty Line is the cost of housing, gasoline, electricity, education, and toiletries.


o In the period September 2018-September 2019, the Poverty Depth Index (P1) and the Poverty Severity Index (P2) showed an increase in urban areas and a decline in rural areas.
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