Large and Medium Industry Statistics of South Sulawesi Province 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Large and Medium Industry Statistics of South Sulawesi Province 2017

Catalog Number : 6103001.73
Publication Number : 73530.1915
Release Date : December 31, 2019
File Size : 3.04 MB


This 2017 Large and Medium Industry Statistics publication in South Sulawesi Province is an annual routine publication that presents detailed data on Large and Medium Industry companies, including the number of companies, labor, wages and salaries, fuel use, input values, output values, and values plus.
This publication uses the 2015 Indonesian Business Field Standard Classification (KBLI) which is a refinement of the 2009 KBLI with reference to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revised Four. This publication is expected to provide information on manufacturing industry companies and their characteristics in the area of South Sulawesi Province.
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