Large and Medium Industry Indicators of South Sulawesi Province 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Large and Medium Industry Indicators of South Sulawesi Province 2017

Catalog Number : 6102006.73
Publication Number : 73530.1914
Release Date : December 27, 2019
File Size : 2.06 MB


The 2017 Medium and Large Manufacturing Industry Statistics publication by the Central Statistics Agency of South Sulawesi Province is a continuation of the previous publication, which is about the medium and large scale manufacturing industry sector. The data presented in this publication is the result of the processing of the Manufacturing Industry Annual Survey in South Sulawesi Province collected during 2018.
The data presented in this publication is limited to medium and large industrial activities, namely companies / manufacturing industries that have a workforce of 20 or more people. As in the previous year, this publication presents data on the activities of manufacturing industry companies in South Sulawesi Province such as the number of companies, the number of workers, expenditure on labor, outputs, inputs, and added value.
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