The export value sent through the port of South Sulawesi in December 2020 was recorded at US $ 91.51 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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The export value sent through the port of South Sulawesi in December 2020 was recorded at US $ 91.51 million

Release Date : February 1, 2021
File Size : 1.02 MB


• The export value sent through the port of South Sulawesi in December 2020 was recorded at US $ 91.51 million. This figure has decreased by 17.87 percent when compared to the export value in November 2020 which reached US $ 111.43 million. Meanwhile, the achievement in December 2020 was recorded to have decreased by 25.60 percent from the conditions of the same month the previous year which reached US $ 123 million.
• The five main commodities exported in December 2020 are nickel; Seaweed and Other Algae; Iron and Steel; Wood and Wood Products; and Cocoa / Chocolate with a percentage distribution of 62.20 percent, 10.87 percent, 7.11 percent, 3.70 percent, and 2.83 percent, respectively.
• Most of the exports in December 2020 were destined for Japan, China, the United States, Malaysia, and the Philippines, with the respective proportions of 65.07 percent, 23.59 percent, 3.62 percent, 2.92 percent, and 1. 78 percent.
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