In 2019, area rice harvest in South Sulawesi estimated at 1.01 million hectares with production in the amount of 5.05 million tons of MPD. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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In 2019, area rice harvest in South Sulawesi estimated at 1.01 million hectares with production in the amount of 5.05 million tons of MPD.

Release Date : March 2, 2020
File Size : 0.73 MB


• Rice harvest area in South Sulawesi in 2019 is estimated at 1.01 million hectares or has decreased by 175.30 thousand hectares or 14.79 percent compared to 2018.
• Rice production in South Sulawesi in 2019 is estimated at 5.05 million tons of MPD or decreased by 0.9 million tons or 15.09 percent compared to 2018.
• If rice production in 2019 is converted to rice for population food consumption, rice production in South Sulawesi in 2019 will be 2.89 million tons or decrease by 0.51 million tons or 15.09 percent compared to 2018.
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