July 2020, South Sulawesi exports increased by 11.69 percent compared to June 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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July 2020, South Sulawesi exports increased by 11.69 percent compared to June 2020

Release Date : September 1, 2020
File Size : 0.73 MB


• The export value sent through the port of South Sulawesi in July 2020 was recorded at US $ 104.04 million. This figure has increased by 11.69 percent when compared to the export value in June 2020 which reached US $ 93.15 million. In line with this, the achievements of July 2020 recorded an increase of 10.40 percent from the conditions of the same month the previous year which reached US $ 94.24 million.
• The five main commodities exported in July 2020 are nickel; Oily Grains and Medicinal Plants; Cocoa / Chocolate; Fish, Shrimp and Other Non-Reinforced Aquatic Animals; and salt, sulfur and lime with a percentage distribution of 61.51 percent, 7.68 percent, 7.50 percent, 4.58 percent, and 3.69 percent, respectively.
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