The Human Development Index (HDI) of South Sulawesi in 2019 has been 71.66 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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The Human Development Index (HDI) of South Sulawesi in 2019 has been 71.66

Release Date : March 2, 2020
File Size : 1.81 MB


* Improvement in the quality of life in South Sulawesi continues to experience progress marked by the continued increase in the Human Development Index (HDI) of South Sulawesi from year to year. In 2019, South Sulawesi HDI reached 71.66. This figure increased by 0.76 points or grew by 1.07 percent compared to South Sulawesi HDI in 2018 which had a figure of 70.90.
* Newborns have the opportunity to live up to 70.43 years, an increase of 0.35 years compared to the previous year. Children aged 7 years have the opportunity to attend school for 13.36 years, an increase of 0.02 years compared to 2018.
* The average population aged 25 years and over had an education of 8.26 years in 2019, an increase of 0.24 years compared to the previous year.
* Community-adjusted per capita expenditure has reached 11.12 million rupiah in 2019, an increase of 304 thousand rupiah compared to the previous year.
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