Development of the South Sulawesi Consumer Price Index / Inflation in June 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Development of the South Sulawesi Consumer Price Index / Inflation in June 2019

Release Date : July 1, 2019
File Size : 1.23 MB


• In June 2019, Sulawesi Selatan experienced inflation of 0.20 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 138.56. Of the 5 CPI cities in Sulawesi Selatan, all cities (Bulukumba, Watampone, Palopo, Parepare and Makassar) experienced inflation. The highest inflation occurred in the City of Parepare by 1.06 percent with an CPI value of 132.60 while the lowest inflation occurred in Makassar City at 0.05 percent with an CPI of 139.38.
 • Inflation in Sulawesi Selatan in June 2019 was caused by rising prices in six expenditure groups as indicated by the increase in the consumer price index (CPI) in the processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group (0.75%); clothing group (0.69%); foodstuffs group (0.56%); housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel group (0.18%); health group (0.13%); education, recreation and sports group (0.03%); while the transportation, communication and financial services groups experienced deflation (-0.91%).
• The inflation rate for the calendar year (January-June 2019) in Sulawesi Selatan is 1.96 percent and the year on year inflation rate (June 2019 against June 2018) is 2.98 percent.
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