Statistics of Migration Sulawesi Selatan Province Result of Long Form Population Census 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Statistics of Migration Sulawesi Selatan Province Result of Long Form Population Census 2020

Catalog Number : 2102049.73
Publication Number : 73520.2303
Release Date : July 14, 2023
File Size : 21.36 MB


Migration, or permanent mobility, is one component of population growth in addition to fertility and mortality. However, compared with the data of fertility and mortality, migration data are still very scarce. This is caused by the absence of a specific survey on migration. Questions on migration is available in population census, intercensal population survey, and in the recent years several migration questions have also been covered in socio-economic survey. Migration is a rare occurrence where not all people experience it. Therefore migration data from surveys are commonly less properly due to the small samples. Meanwhile, migration data derived from administrative records are still far from perfection. In order to meet the needs of a more complete data migration, Migration Statistics Publication derived from the 2020 Population Census results was prepared. Publications are presented at the national and provincial level which cover the types of lifetime and recent migration. In publication at the national level, migration data is presented for inter-provincial movement. As for publication at provincial level, migration data between regencies/cities is presented. This publication presents the magnitude and the flow of internal migrationas well as the characteristics of migrants.
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