73000.2305 Results of Long Form Population Census 2022 Sulawesi Selatan Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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73000.2305 Results of Long Form Population Census 2022 Sulawesi Selatan Province

Catalog Number : 2102047.73
Publication Number : 73520.2301
Release Date : February 10, 2023
File Size : 5.63 MB


The 2020 Population Census is the first census to be carried out in two census stages. The series of 2020 Population Census activities is divided into two stages, namely population data collection using a simple questionnaire (short form) in 2020 and then followed by data collection using a more detailed questionnaire (long form) for sample households in 2022. Booklet of Long Form Results The 2020 Population Census contains indicators of fertility, mortality, mobility, disability, education, and housing which are expected to be able to meet the needs of the latest population data for the purposes of planning, monitoring, evaluating development programs such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and RPJMN in the population sector.
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