Directory of Sulawesi Selatan Province Construction Companies 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Directory of Sulawesi Selatan Province Construction Companies 2020

Catalog Number : 1305033.73
Publication Number : 73530.2006
ISSN/ISBN : 2597-3940
Release Date : December 17, 2020
File Size : 3.36 MB


The publication of the Directory of Construction Companies for South Sulawesi Province 2020 is a series of publications on the results of matching up-dating construction companies in 2020. This directory contains company identification, which includes name, address, and telephone / facsimile number according to district / city. We hope that this publication can complement the information needs of construction companies so that it can be of benefit to both companies and individuals as data users. In addition, this directory is also expected to be used as research material for researchers in the construction sector.
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