ICOR analysis Development Area Unit South Sulawesi Province 2015-2019: Bosowa Region - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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ICOR analysis Development Area Unit South Sulawesi Province 2015-2019: Bosowa Region

Catalog Number : 9201002.73
Publication Number : 73550.2031
ISSN/ISBN : 978-623-7581-61-1
Release Date : November 26, 2020
File Size : 1.89 MB


Investment is an important part that is needed in the development process of an area. The size of the investment will affect the economy of the region. So that the availability of investment data and analysis related to investment is needed by local governments in order to know the efficiency of the investments that have been made (both by government and private) and in order to determine the investment needs needed to achieve the economic growth targets set by local governments.
The publication of ICOR Analysis for South Sulawesi Province Development Area Unit 2015-2019 is a new publication published by BPS South Sulawesi Province. This publication provides an overview of the size of the ICOR and the level of efficiency of an investment formed in each district / city and development areas of South Sulawesi Province. In addition, this publication also presents and analyzes the investment inequality that occurs in each development area of ​​South Sulawesi Province.
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