Analysis of Social Macro Indicators for Sulawesi Selatan Province Semester 1-2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Analysis of Social Macro Indicators for Sulawesi Selatan Province Semester 1-2020

Catalog Number : 4101041.73
Publication Number : 73000.2001
ISSN/ISBN : 978-623-7581-46-8
Release Date : August 4, 2020
File Size : 3.81 MB


Sulawesi Selatan Social Macro Indicator Analysis Publication Semester 1-2020 is a new publication made by BPS South Sulawesi Province and will routinely be published every semester. This publication is designed to meet the needs of data consumers who want to see the development of social data in South Sulawesi regularly every semester. It is hoped that this publication will make it easier for data consumers to understand the data of social macro indicators that are routinely released by BPS South Sulawesi Province. South Sulawesi Social Macro Indicator Analysis Publication Semester 1-2020 contains a brief review / analysis of the South Sulawesi social indicators data including the development of population, labor, poverty and human development. To facilitate the understanding and utilization of data, this publication also includes a technical explanation of each type of statistics displayed
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