Sulawesi Selatan Province in Figures 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Sulawesi Selatan Province in Figures 2020

Catalog Number : 1102001.73
Publication Number : 73560.2002
Release Date : April 27, 2020
File Size : 12.12 MB


Sulawesi Selatan Province in Figures 2020 is an annual publication published by BPS Sulawesi Selatan Province which presents various types of data sourced from BPS and other institutions. This publication contains a general description of the geographical and climatic conditions, governance, and the development of socio- demographic and economic conditions in Sulawesi Selatan. Certain tables present data at the provincial and district / city level to see comparisons between regions. To facilitate the understanding and utilization of data, technical explanations are also included of each type of statistics presented.
The publication schedule for the publication of the Sulawesi Selatan Province in Figures 2020 is faster than in previous years. Implementation of the Integrated Statistical Data Management Information System (SIMDASI) was carried out in the preparation of the publication of Sulawesi Selatan Province in Figures 2020 to support the creation of the Indonesian Data One. The acceleration of the publication of Sulawesi Selatan Province in Figures was done to provide data in the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) and meet the needs of users.
This publication can be realized thanks to the cooperation and participation of various parties. We would like to thank all parties who have contributed. Hopefully the publications presented are useful for various purposes. We expect suggestions and responses from users of this publication for improvements in future editions.
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