Sulawesi Selatan Province Gender Development Index 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Sulawesi Selatan Province Gender Development Index 2017

Catalog Number : 3102017.73
Publication Number : 73550.1922
ISSN/ISBN : 978-623-7581-03-1
Release Date : October 23, 2019
File Size : 2.9 MB


The Gender Development Index (IPG) is a measure of the success rate of development achievements that have accommodated gender issues. IPG is a measure of gender-based human development in terms of three basic dimensions of human achievement, namely the dimensions of longevity and healthy living, knowledge, and decent living standards.
This publication aims to provide information on gender-based human development in the province of South Sulawesi. Besides that, it can also be seen the components of human development achievements according to sex.
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