Regional Statistics of South Sulawesi Province 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Regional Statistics of South Sulawesi Province 2019

Catalog Number : 1101002.73
Publication Number : 73550.1919
ISSN/ISBN : 2597-3886
Release Date : September 26, 2019
File Size : 5.8 MB


South Sulawesi Province Regional Statistics publication 2019 published by the Central Statistics Agency of South Sulawesi Province contains various selected data and information about South Sulawesi that are analyzed in a simple way to help data users understand development developments and the potential that exists in South Sulawesi.The Regional Statistics Publications of South Sulawesi Province 2019 were published to supplement statistical publications that have been published regularly.
The material presented in South Sulawesi Province Regional Statistics 2019 contains various selected information / indicators related to development in various sectors in South Sulawesi and is expected to be a reference / study material in planning and evaluating development activities.
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