Harvest Area and Rice Production in South Sulawesi Province 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Harvest Area and Rice Production in South Sulawesi Province 2018

Catalog Number : 5203026.73
Publication Number : 73530.1902
Release Date : September 12, 2019
File Size : 3.97 MB


Collecting Agricultural Data Statistics for Integrated Food Crops with the 2018 Area Sample Framework Method (KSA) is a collaborative effort between the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) in order to improve conventional agricultural statistical data collection methodologies to be more objective and modern . Data collection using KSA method involves the role of android-based technology so that it is expected that agricultural data collected will be more accurate and timely. This activity is a follow up to the development and improvement of the previous trial activity, namely the KSA Trial on Java Island in 2017. The KSA 2018 area covers all provinces in Indonesia and the data collected only covers rice commodities. KSA 2018 is held on the last seven days every month from January to December 2018. The total target sample segment in South Sulawesi must be observed as many as 1354 segments and since September 2018 increased to 1616 segments with the realization reaching 100 percent every month except in January 2018 The estimated harvested area of ​​the 2018 KSA observations from January to September 2018 is 1.02 million hectares. Taking into account the potential harvest until December 2018, the rice harvest area in South Sulawesi in 2018 is estimated at 1.145 million hectares. Meanwhile, the estimated rice production in South Sulawesi from January to September 2018 amounted to 5.13 million tons of Dry Grain Grain (GKG). When considering the potential for rice production in October to December 2018, the estimated total rice production in 2018 would be 5.74 million tons of paddy. If converted to rice with the conversion rate of MPD to rice in 2018 2018 rice production is estimated at 3.28 million tons of rice.
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