The Results of Inter-Census Agricultural Survey 2018 of Sulawesi Selatan Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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The Results of Inter-Census Agricultural Survey 2018 of Sulawesi Selatan Province

Catalog Number : 5101018.73
Publication Number : 73530.1808
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-6426-61-1
Release Date : December 24, 2018
File Size : 2.65 MB


The 2018 Inter-Census AgriculturalSurvey is data used to bridge the 2013 Agriculture Census data and the Agricultural Census 2023. SUTAS2018 is the first activity carried out by BPS. SUTAS2018 publication is the result of Enumeration of Households in selected census blocks throughout Indonesia. Publication of Results SUTAS2018-Series A1 contains information on the number of agricultural households, agricultural households using land and households not land users, including smallholder households, and land area occupied / cultivated.
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