Expenditure for Consumption of South Sulawesi Population September 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Expenditure for Consumption of South Sulawesi Population September 2017

Catalog Number : 3201033.73
Publication Number : 73520.1809
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-6426-56-7
Release Date : October 12, 2018
File Size : 0.87 MB


The publication of Expenditures for Consumption of September Sulawesi Selatan Population 2017 rovides the information about consumption level and the shift of consumption Expenditure for consumption of population sheds light on its welfare condition, among others, the shifts of consumption food is indicative of increasing prosperity.

The publication shows :

 The percentage of food expenditure on September 2017 about 47.39 percent and non food 52.61 percent. It indicated that the prosperity in Province of Sulawesi Selatan is increased.

 The results of the Susenas September 2017 show that the average spending of the population of South Sulawesi is Rp. 1,035,517. If sorted by area of residence there is a significant difference, where in the average urban expenditure of Rp. 1,492,005, while for the countryside only Rp. 729,124.

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