Monthly Report on Economic Social Data of South Sulawesi Province January 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Monthly Report on Economic Social Data of South Sulawesi Province January 2018

Catalog Number : 9199017
Publication Number : 73550.1801
Release Date : February 5, 2018
File Size : 6.41 MB


During the 3 rd quarter of 2017, South Sulawesi's economy created at Rp 109.86 trillion at current prices (ADHB) and amounting to Rp 75.71 trillion based on constant price (ADHK). The economy of South Sulawesi in quarter 3-2017 was recorded to grow by 6.25 percent when compared to quarter 3-2016 (y on y) and grew 5.28 percent compared to 2 to 1717 (q to q), and grew 6.78 percent cumulatively quarterly 1-3 2017.
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