Statistics of Horticultural Crops of Sulawesi Selatan Province 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Statistics of Horticultural Crops of Sulawesi Selatan Province 2016

Catalog Number : .73
Publication Number : 73530.1702
Release Date : October 9, 2017
File Size : 2.83 MB


The Publication of Horticultural Crop Statistics of Sulawesi Selatan Province in 2016 is a series of BPS annual publications containing data on harvest area, production of annual fruit and vegetable crops (SBS), annual vegetables and fruits (BST), biopharmaceutical plants (medicines ) and ornamental plants (TH), in South Sulawesi. The data presented is Horticultural Fixed Rate (ATAP) in 2016 and the result of cooperation of BPS with Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture. Data collection in field is done by officer appointed by Agriculture Service at Regency / Municipality.
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