Social and Economic Statistics of South Sulawesi Household 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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Social and Economic Statistics of South Sulawesi Household 2013

Catalog Number : 4101004.73
Publication Number : 73520.1401
Release Date : September 23, 2014
File Size : 2.77 MB


The publication of Social Economic Statistics for Households of South Sulawesi in 2013 contains data from the result of processing of the Core Questionnaire and Consumption Module at the National Social Economic Survey (Susenas) 2013 which is held quarterly in 2013. The data presented in table form, in the form of absolute tables and percentages, according to districts / municipalities in South Sulawesi. The presentation is intended to enable data users to easily see the variation of indicators across regions.
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