The Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) in August 2020 was 96.58, an increase of 0.56 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan Province

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The Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) in August 2020 was 96.58, an increase of 0.56 percent

Release Date : September 1, 2020
File Size : 0.61 MB


• The combined NTP of South Sulawesi Province in August 2020 was 96.58 or increased by 0.56 percent compared to the NTP in July 2020 with an NTP of 96.04.
• NTP of Food Crops Subsector (NTPP) was recorded at 95.69; Horticultural Crops Subsector (NTPH) of 103.36; Smallholder Crops Subsector (NTPR) of 94.68; Animal Husbandry Subsector (NTPT) of 101.29; and Fisheries Subsector (NTNP) of 98.29.
• In August 2020, the Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) has increased in 3 (three) subsectors, namely the Community Plantation Subsector, Animal Husbandry Subsector, and Fisheries Subsector. The largest increase occurred in the Smallholder Plantation Subsector, namely up 3.52 percent.
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